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Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024
The Eagle

Op/ed: Associate Dean Margaret Weekes will be missed by SPA students

I wasn’t going to come to AU. I was planning to go to Tulane University, study history and enjoy everything about Bourbon Street.

But when I visited AU, something special changed my mind.

It’s not that I was taken by the sports arena or enticed by the promise of senior apartments. I wasn’t even won over by the beautiful campus, despite how often they told me “AU is a national arboretum!”

No, what changed my mind that day—and what’s special about AU—is the people, and one person in particular stood out: Associate Dean Margaret Weekes.

Anyone in the School of Public Affairs knows exactly what I mean. With her cheery personality and a never-ending smile, Weekes would paint the picture of a university we couldn’t wait to join.

Everywhere you go in SPA, there’s Dean Weekes, asking how your day is, wondering if you found an internship, telling you how proud she is of your work. The best part: she really does care.

Unfortunately as of last week, Margaret Weekes will no longer be associate dean. I can’t claim to understand every factor of this announcement, nor any reason for it. Regardless, I didn’t write this to pass judgment on the decision.

I’m writing this because Thanksgiving is coming up, and we’re always told to reflect on what we’re thankful for.

I know many others and myself are thankful for the dean who convinced so many of us to attend AU. Who loved to stop and chat about our futures. Who made us feel, not only like we belong at AU, but that we are what make this University great.

We’re thankful for Margaret Weekes and wish her the best in life. AU won’t be the same without her.

Phil Cardarella is a graduate student in the School of Public Affairs.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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