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Monday, June 17, 2024
The Eagle

Campus brief: AU reaffirmed as Methodist-related institution

AU was reaffirmed as a Methodist-related academic institution by the University Senate of the United Methodist Church earlier this month.

A team from the church visited AU last September to examine the University's connection to the Methodist Church, institutional integrity, financial management, course offerings and other criteria, according to Mark Schaefer, AU's United Methodist chaplain.

The Methodist Episcopal Church, the predecessor of the United Methodist Church, founded AU in 1893.

"Those connections are not as visible as they once were," Schaefer said. "There are no longer any mandatory chapel services or anything like that. But the enduring connection can be seen in the University's commitment to public service, social justice and issues of global concern."

As a Methodist-related schoool, the position of University chaplain, currently held by the Rev. Joe Eldridge, must be filled by a United Methodist, and the church offers scholarships for Methodist students at AU. High-ranking members of the Methodist church sit on AU's board of trustees.

Many buildings on campus are named for prominent Methodists, including Anderson Hall, the Asbury Building, Hughes Hall, Hurst Hall, the Mary Graydon Center, McDowell Hall and the Davenport Lounge in the School of International Service building.

In this grand finale, hosts Sydney Hsu and Sara Winick say their goodbyes and give updated lists of their current favorite shows. Listen along and compare the new lists to those from the very first episode! 

To all the loyal listeners, it has been a great run, but all good things must come to an end. However, just like some of your favorite TV shows, a second season is never truly out of the question.

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