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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Eagle

Conspiracy argued

A conspiracy between the organized crime community, the Central Intelligence Agency and anti-Cuban dictator Fidel Castro rebels led to former President John F. Kennedy's murder, nationally renowned political assassination expert John Gordon argued Tuesday night.

The different groups involved shared a common hatred of Kennedy for various past dealings with Kennedy, Gordon said.

Gordon is a particular expert on the murders of former President John F. Kennedy and former U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who was President Kennedy's brother.

His presentation covered many subtopics, including the single bullet theory, the Secret Service's protection of the former President, and the parade route taken through Dallas.

Gordon's presentation utilized video compilations, autopsy photographs, witness photographs, and sketches to illustrate discrepancies in the case.

The discrepancies Gordon saw were then filled in by his personal theory.

Gordon argued that the murder was a partly done by a rifleman on the so-called "grassy knoll."

When presenting this argument, he showed an enhanced photo of a man appearing to be a Dallas police officer firing a rifle from the grassy knoll.

"Nobody has come forward to contest this photo." Gordon said.

In another main point, he said that as part of the cover up in the murder, men began identifying themselves as Secret Service right after the shooting, when in fact they were not Secret Service agents.

"Every Secret Service agent in Dallas was attached to the motorcade," Gordon said.

The speech was sponsored by the Kennedy Political Union.

"We brought it out as part of the new student program and we knew the topic would grab people's attention," KPU Director Eric Morley said.

Gordon has taught several classes on political assassinations and consulted with NBC Studios and a British television station for a miniseries entitled "Kennedy." In 1988, he consulted with the "Nova" series, a PBS television program, for a documentary dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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